Sunday, September 25, 2011

The beginning of fall...

Where we live in Michigan the earliest signs of fall are the falling of the leaves and walnuts from our walnut trees and the burning bushes turning red. What happens first in your backyard? Lets hope for a warm and colorful fall season.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It Must be Monday!

Cruze has the right idea for how to spend a Monday after a busy, work & fun-filled weekend in Chicago. Wouldn't it be nice to be so fully relaxed on a Monday morning?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Quarterly Stats

When you raise a leader dog puppy you have to send a report to Leader Dog every 3 mo. for the year you have the pup. For those who have been following Cruze News these are his "12 week stats.":

Weight 28.9 lbs.

Obedience Commands He Should Know:

Sit - Check

Down - Check

Stand - Shaky

Recall (c0me) - Only when he wants to

Housebreaking - 90%

Conclusion: Still a work in progress

Friday, September 9, 2011


When we get a new puppy, Shiloh is very "stand-offish". At first he ignores them, then he will occasionally let them touch him, and as they get a little older he will begin to play with them. When he decides they are really here to stay, he will let them lay next to him. But sleeping on the same bed is a sure sign that he has accepted them as a member of his family even if they can still be pretty irritating when awake.

(Do you think we need to buy a second bed?)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cruze and Emily

This weekend we went to a great-niece's baptism and Cruze had lots of opportunity to work on good greets with small children. He got pretty excited a few times and this is something that definitely needs work and practice. But he did seem to have fun with all the new people he met

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lessons from Luther

Luther, (Pastor Edrye's dog) came to stay for a couple of days this week and it went well. He would put up with Cruze's "in your face" style of play for just so long then he would give a growl, raise a paw, and hold Cruze down on his back until he settled down. Cruze needs a little more of this to learn his place, I think; but it never stopped him from going back for more.